Why Choose Us?

Professional Service

The NKL-Express team are experienced clearing agents, ensuring quality of service and professionalism.

Save Time

save Time, experience a smooth streamlined process, ensuring accuracy as well as efficiency while providing affordable rates..

Years of Experience

Our experience in this industry is essential in minimizing errors and avoiding unnecessary delays simultaneously reducing or eliminating possible customs fines.


Solutions We provide a wide range of support and effectively intermediate between SARS and our clients. Our times and workloads are flexible and adaptable professional staff are ready to assist whenever required.

You’re In Good Hands

NKL Express is a team of professional clearing agents who knows how to navigate the complex customs clearing system efficiently and cost effectively.

Clearing Agents


The Clearing agent acts on behalf of the shipper(importer or exporter)and arranges for the clearance of customs imported/exported goods.

Exporters and Importers Requirements

Customs Clearing

All goods need to be customs cleared at their first point of entry into South Africa. Customs ensures the payment of revenue due to SARS and sees to it that all imports comply with the national legislation. The importer or exporter is required by law to declare to Customs what they are importing into or exporting out of South Africa and the mode of transport being used.

Basic Process

The customs clearing process consists of the clearing agent / customs broker framing a customs declaration form (SAD 500) based on the following being made available : a transport document (AWB, B/L or Waybill, depending on the mode of transport being used), a commercial invoice, a packing list, a certificate of origin (EUR 1), and, should the product require it, the permits necessary for allowing the product to be imported into South Africa.

Exporters/Importers Code

All companies importing/exporting commercial goods into South Africa need to be registered with Customs. In other words, the company needs to be in possession of an importers/exporters code. Customs must know whom they are dealing with and whom they can hold accountable for the Import VAT and, if applicable, for any potential customs duties.